Meet Rina Schulte

Nickname Sunshine
DOB 17th March
Which makes your star sign Pisces - Water baby
Any pets? No, but I should probably have a Kelpie as part of the WA starter pack.
Where did you grow up and where is your current home in the world right now? I grew up in Japan and the Gold Coast. My current home is Exmouth over winter and Margaret River over Summer, migrating the coast and chasing the sun!
So, what does a day in the life look like? Tell us everything from wake up to sundown… Sunrise, if the surf is on, I'm out there on my longboard.
Otherwise, I get onto my yoga mat for an hour of self-practice, usually a vinyasa/restorative flow with a 20 - 30 min meditation. Sometimes adding in mirror work and ecstatic dance to fire up for the day!
Sometimes I join the local group fitness class - either HIIT training or reformer Pilates.
Brekky - my current obsession is banana/mango coconut smoothie or eggs and avo on toast!
Gypsie and I "clock on" for our biz - Gypsie Co at home at our little office desk - working on all things behind the business, i.e. marketing, business expansion, collaborations, coaching etc.
Lunch - usually a big salad bowl with rainbows and a mini homemade choc for the midday slump.
We continue working from home taking multiple brain breaks, sometimes experiencing small mental breakdowns, and laughing fits as most small business owners can probably agree!
3/4pm - We "clock off" and head out for a surf, big walk, or a yoga flow.
6pm - yummy warm, comforting dinner with the girls, usually a Thai curry or sushi
8pm - Journaling or reading. My current book is called "The Women Who Run with Wolves" powerful, empowering feminine book, highly recommended!
What’s one thing you do for self-love and self-care? Me time - solo longboard surf, alone at the beach with my favourite book, tarot cards and music under the umbrella and journaling to reflect, align and connect with myself. Time alone fills my cup so I can share it with others:)
Favourite quote or mantra? Love is the highest frequency.
Who and what inspires you? My mentors in yoga, my community of authentic friends and my beautiful partner inspire me. I love being surrounded by people who are seeking ways to expand, grow and improve internally to show up as the best version of themselves.
What’s on top of your bucket list? To travel around Central/South America for a while, exposing myself to different cultures and traditions and meeting more mentors of yoga and meditation.
What would you say your everyday go to style is? Earthy tones and flowy vibe or retro and flares!
What Rusty pieces are you vibing right now? The queens of cord collection is definitely a vibe, can’t go wrong with retro cords and flares!
Follow @saltysunshine__
Photo’s taken by Rae Marie @raemarie_lifestyle