Summer Road Trip with Rusty Womens!
It has been a long draining Winter, locked in our homes with nowhere to go… borders closed, planes grounded… we are ready for Summer vibes and the simpler times.
Being a home grown WA brand, with our Global HQ located in Perth, we were lucky enough to experience freedom a little sooner.
We could now travel, with one of the most beautiful picturesque states at our fingertips, the potential photoshoot destinations were endless. We finally settled on the ultimate ocean-side playground - Kalbarri, where the rugged red desert coastlines meet pristine white sand beaches and turquoise waters.
We were lucky enough to curate the most amazing team of talented Rusty girls, introducing:
❤ Michaela Bennett, who models for Chadwick’s and after this trip will be a long term friend of Rusty Womens. @michaelabennettt
❤ Brody Durkin, our new addition to the Rusty Womens Ambassador fam @brodydurkinn.
❤ Arabelle Gibson, one of our amazing team riders and part time models @arabellegibson.
What is a photoshoot without a road trip though! Being a short 😉 6 hour drive from the Rusty HQ, we decided to load up the 4 wheel drives and make a road trip out of it. Let the ‘eye spy’ and car karaoke begin!
We planned stops at all the must see locations along the way… Chasing the wildflowers, we had THREE SPRINGS on the top of the list. Well, we managed to find the sweetest little country town you ever did see… butttt unfortunately no Wildflowers (it was too late in the season). We did however wander the streets and observe the historical buildings and train tracks of the quaint little town.
We finally jumped back in the car and made our way north through Geraldton, on our way to the next destination – NORTHAMPTON, were we found ourself having a few beers, mixing some tunes on the jukebox and playing some pool with the locals. Oh and we found one sexy motorbike, that Michaela wasn’t afraid to jump on for a quick snap…
There was one more stop for day, as we chased the setting sun - the pink lakes of PORT GREGORY.
The girls embraced the crisp southerly breeze and dressed in the new Rusty Womens Summer swim collection and wow, it was breathtaking! The colour palette of the swim against the backdrop of the pink lake, blue skies and white clouds was a match made in heaven.
After a big exhausting day of shooting and excessive singing, we made it to the final destination, Kalbarri!
Ok enough about day 1 … 😴😴😴 Goodnight…
Annnndddd, Good Morning sunshine! Hello Day 2. The girls were up early, 4:30am to be exact, for hair and makeup.
The first stop for the day was the picturesque Red Bluff. There was no wind and the water was a velvet blue, the red stone surfaces and the white sand… were we in heaven?
The sun was starting to get offensive and the coffee had run out, we decided to head back to the villa to reset and re-vibe.
But seeing as we were on a photoshoot for Rusty and Jakes was cranking, the girls decided it was time for a wave… and at Rusty, we don’t come between a girl and her waves.

Ok it was time for our final location, the beautiful Kalbarri National Park. And wow did she turn it on for us. The flies were buzzing, the cameras were clicking and by the end we had a bit of an audience… but the content was nothing short of magical.

Well that’s a wrap from us… and if you want to stalk the amazing team behind the magic here at Rusty Womens, give the following grams a like…
And make sure you follow @Rusty_Womens for more of our amazing Summer Collection and imagery!
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